March 15

Does Pickleball Hate CRBN?


If you don’t know what has been going on in the paddle scene, the new thing to talk about is deflection and delamination. The basic definition is pretty much how long the paddle can stay in contact with the ball when you hit it. Now, delamination is what happens with CRBN, Vatic, Legacy, and a few more paddles. It is when the carbon fiber face separates from the core, leaving an air bubble and creating more deflection, which makes the paddle hit harder after it technically breaks. The way to think of it is like when you get a double jump on a trampoline, which is why they've been calling it the "trampoline effect."

In wild news, DJ Young said on the Dink Podcast that someone called him to say that he is unable to use his new CRBN Power Series for the PPA Austin tournament. The reason DJ gave was because of the deflection, and apparently, after testing, it comes in 60% too hot. DJ asked where this testing is coming from because a brand new CRBN Power does not play really hot and takes some playing to make it really good and get that nice delamination.

The controversy is that all the other players with almost exact paddles from other brands will also get the boot and not be able to use their Vatics or Legacies, or even Ben Johns, who is rumored to have the exact same paddle as the Legacy. Will he be able to use his paddle?

The real question is when will paddle testing become more transparent because right now, it seems like a player high up or someone around the higher up players , they don’t like something so they complain and then get that paddle “tested” and then all of a sudden there is a change. Dj also made a little dig at A.L. Waters paddle saying that how can a 16 year old girl hit just as hard as a guy who is 6 '2 190 pounds. Big call out at the #1 women's player in the world. Hopefully paddle testing will become more transparent and have a better process.

Will be very interesting what we will see at PPA Austin. Will other paddles that delaminate be gone? How will Team CRBN do result wise at the next tournament without their new power series. 


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