March 14

The Tweet That Is Stirring Up The Pickleball World.


 Tyler Loong posted a mysterious and cryptic tweet asking which is more of an advantage: an illegal paddle or performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). He says it’s just out of curiosity, but there is a reason he is stirring the pot. The real question is, who is he referring to? A commenter mentioned a recent interview with a match-watcher, but is Tyler insinuating that “Big Papa” Jimmy or Mr. McGuffin are getting some sort of extra boost? Another person accuses someone else, saying, “Do you think a 10-pound weight gain in 2 months for a female player beats an opponent they haven’t beaten in 3 years, and suddenly has power and speed? It’s a little fishy.” Who are they talking about? Possibly Catherine, who went on a tear at the Florida Open, beating Anna Leigh in 2 games and handily defeating Leah in the final. In the tweet thread, the most vocal person was Leah Jansen. It could just be a coincidence that she is the most vocal about it. Hey, maybe Catherine and her trainer have been working really hard and turning her into a real professional athlete who is currently in elite shape.

Will we see drug testing added to the PPA tour? Most likely, as every other sport has drug testing. But the real question is, what kind of drugs are they using, because I need to get some to start beating these 3.5s.


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